Flipple technique for a Deeper latch

After the birth of your baby, you may find yourself needing to get a deeper latch. I always say that we want babies to breast-feed not nipple-feed. If they do, it can create a wide array of issues. Ensuring your bub has a nice deep latch helps to prevent the vast majority of issues, most notably low milk supply and nipple pain. We all know they are two big ones!

So, what can we do to help? One trick that you may be taught by your midwife or child health nurse is the sandwich or hamburger hold. While you’re breasts aren’t delicious, carbohydrate covered, lunch time goodies, we are going to hold them in a similar way. Why? Because when you go to eat a sandwich or hamburger, you naturally squish it down, width ways with your mouth so that you can get more when you take a bite. We’re going to go a step further to create an even deeper latch.

How to do it:

  • Position baby “below” your breast- roughly with their nose in line with your nipple

  • Hold you hand in a C shape with fingers and thumb in line with your nipple

  • Place your fingers on your breast a few centimetres away from you nipple and apply light pressure

  • Your breast should be shaped width ways with your babies mouth. This will vary on the position they are in. It’s often easiest using a cross cradle hold. Your hand will be positioned below you breast with fingers pointing towards your face

  • Now for the flip- place a little extra pressure where your thumb is. Your nipple will tilt towards the roof of your babies mouth

  • Wait for bub to open their mouth nice and wide before bringing them to your breast, chin touching first, then coming “up and over” your nipple as you release the pressure from your fingers on your breast

This is a great little handy trick to have up your sleeve. Some babies just need a little bit of extra support, particularly in the early days. If, however, your problem doesn’t resolve, we are available for in person or virtual support.


Fed, breast or supported- What’s best?