Frequently Asked Questions
What happens at an appointment?
Prior to appointments you will be asked to complete a form taking into consideration all of your and your babies relevant medical history. Completing and returning this prior will allow for more time during the appointment to focus on helping you to solve your issue. All consultations are provided by Board Certified Lactation Consultant, Kate Visser. At the commencement of your appointment we will get to know each other a bit. This allows Kate to understand your goals and help tailor support specific to your personal needs. Aspects of your medical history may be explored in more detail as well as the issue that you are experiencing. With permission we’ll gently examine both you and your baby. You’ll be invited to breastfeed your baby as you have been, allowing for Kate to assess what is happening. A care plan will be tailor made for you and your baby and discussed with you. This is a great opportunity to ask questions that you may have. You may be referred to other health care providers, and a referral will be provided if this is necessary.
How many appointments will I need?
This will vastly depend on what the issue your or your baby are experiencing. At your initial appointment, a plan of care will be discussed and given to you. The role of a lactation consultant is to assess you and your baby, provide education and support, then a plan of care. The hard work occurs following this appointment as you and your baby work together. Some issues can be resolved simply, while others take time and continued support. If you aren’t sure about what appointment type or package to choose, feel free to contact us for advice.
I saw a breastfeeding specialist/lactation consultant but my issues aren’t fixed. How can you help me?
Some breastfeeding issues can be resolved quickly and easily with basic support, others require a more in-depth assessment and plan of care. Unfortunately many health care providers do not have the time to spend with breastfeeding mothers who’s issues can’t be solved quickly. They may also not have up to date breastfeeding knowledge and advice. This can create confusion and uncertainty for you at an already difficult time. For thorough, up to date lactation support, care from a Board Certified Lactation Consultant is the gold standard, as opposed to a breastfeeding specialist or lactation consultant.
If you are continuing to have issues or questions, a consultation is recommended. You and your child will be the sole focus during the appointment, allowing for undivided attention. You will receive evidence based knowledge and a plan or where to go from there. This may be similar or different to what you have previously received. Kate’s option to include ongoing text message support helps to minimise the confusion through multiple opinions, and allows for continuity of care.
Do I have to be breastfeeding to see you?
No. Pregnancy consultations are for women who are planning to breastfeed and may have concerns about how their medical history may impact on breastfeeding, want 1:1 education or continuity of care going into their postpartum period can book in prior to the birth of their baby. Alternatively, mothers may have concerns that their child has an undiagnosed tongue tie, or issues with bottle feeding. Care is provided for all mums and children regardless of feeding method.